Best and Worst of 2007
Written by Eric, Patrick, Scott
First Posted: January 1st, 2008

The Bourne Ultimatum was certainly one of the best movies of the year.
Movies. We love them. We hate them. We spend an awful lot of our lives watching them. Sometimes they reward our attention with a real gem. Other times they spurn our love by doling out to us some real crap. With that in mind, here are our picks for the best and worst movies of the year.
In a year that had such great movies series, like Shrek and Spiderman dissapoint with lousy third installments, it is amazing that the best movie of the year is the third film in the Jason Bourne series, The Bourne Ultimatum. "The Bourne Ultimatum grabs you by the balls from the first scene and doesn't stop squeezing until the credits roll. The most intense moment comes when Jason has to race back and try to save Nicky from an assassin. It involves a motorcycle chase. A foot chase through the street of Tangier, a chase on rooftops, a chase through some apartments. This extended action sequence never tires. It not only keeps a consistent taunt mood, but builds the tension as it goes to a climactic fight scene."
The worst film of the year is likewise the third installment in a series, Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End. This psychedelic mess makes little to no sense the entire time. Filled with pointless plottings and bizarre situations it all seems like it was made with the same amount of attention and that an average 12 year olds gives to making a peanut butter and jelly sandwhich.
The Bourne Ultimatum is certainly one of the best movie's of the year, but it's not my pick for the best movie of the year. That honor goes to Juno. It's a small movie, with a lot of heart. It's touching and funny, often at the same time. Like all of the best movies, it focuses on characters and dialogue.
Worst movie of the year is without question, Death Sentence. This Death Wish rip-off starred Kevin Bacon who is less then 6 degrees away from the end of his career if he keeps appearing in this crap. In fact, for a movie to be this bad, requires real effort on the part of the entire cast and crew and everyone involved with this train wreck of a movie should be singled out for the truly crappy work they put into it.
My favorite movie this year was Hairspray. I thought it capturedthe spirit and attitude of the original John Waters' movie and actuallyimproved upon it with the singing and dancing. It had a classic HollywoodMusical style that was refreshing and I must also admit to having a softspot for John Travolta ever since I saw Saturday Night Fever when Iwas ten.
There wasn't a truly bad movie that I saw this year. The Savages was the one I was most disappointed by. After reading some terrificreviews my expectations were high. And though Laura Linney and PhilipSeymour Hoffman are superb in it, I don't think I will ever want to watchit again.